Saturday 16 November 2013

Bob's Army Rises! | NEW VIDEO!!


The Prophecy foretold that the ancient warrior Bob would build an army an rise against the tyranny of Google+. Watch as I speak of the legend of this great battle as Bob's army attempts to liberate Youtube from Google+!

Have you seen this man?

This is Bob. A while ago (by that I mean back in 2009) he was a picture meme where people would post him in the Youtube comments saying he had "taken over" Youtube. He disappeared for a while, but now he has resurged as the front for the copy paste battle against the new Youtube commenting system.

If you frequent Youtube, you probably have noticed a change in not only the commenting system, but this sudden integration with Google+. Everyone dislikes change, but some people hate this commenting system so much that it has started a sort of movement against it.

Truth be told, most of the content creators I watch seemed to have benefitted from the commenting system change. They are just a bit more peeved off about how Google+ is being shoved in our faces by asking us every so often whether we want to use our real name on our Youtube account.

If you want to sign an internet petition that's going around to try and reverse this change in the Youtube comment system, here is a link:
I'm not really bothered by it, cause honestly I don't get enough comments to even bother moderating them but for some people it seems like a pretty big thing.

Anyway, new video. Badaboom! :-D Hope you enjoyed it, I'll catch you on the next post!

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