Friday 27 December 2013

Creating Serial Content (and not the murderous kind) | Youtube Advice!!

And Again we are back with Youtube Advice!!! This is where I talk about the advice I have gathered over time from personal experience and from official Youtube staff. This time, we are talking about regular/ series content.

Let's get started!!

As I have posted a video a while ago called "ProfKranc Talks" I think this is something I should talk about, or at least explain my attempt at creating a regular show on my channel.

Something you will notice on many of the larger channels on Youtube is that they post a lot of similar content, or have a "show" per se.

An example of this is Tobuscus.

Tobuscus is a famous Youtube personality for his over the top videos that span over several pieces of regular content.

In this case, there a multiple "shows" he has.
This includes:

TobyGames: "featuring Let's Plays of popular games with commentary"
Literal Trailers: "Trailer's with Tobuscus parodying the song with singing lyrics alongside it"
Lazy Vlogs: "Long Unedited vlog videos"
Tobuscus Adventures: "Animated shorts of Tobuscus and his random adventures"
Tobuscus Songs: "Songs that Tobuscus posts every so often usually parodying something popular"

As you can see, he has a lot of these. In fact I think I may have also missed a few small series on his channel but you get my point.

People go to his channel not only for his funny videos, but because he has this serial content, we can say they go back to his channel because of the fact they know there will be a continuing of content they like. But there is the case that what if you have serial content that one batch of viewers like, and another batch don't?

Now you could say that this is channel specific and that's true. People have separate channels for different types of content. People have gaming channels, vlog channels, sketch channels, etc. Well you could say there is a kind of a common sense among creators that they separate their content so their viewers don't get bombarded with content they don't like. However there is no rule for this.

Fine Bros

For example, recently TheFineBros who run the successful React Series have moved their drama/ comedy music series "MyMusic" to their main channel.

Originally MyMusic was completely on their own channel, but I think it is clear that because their main channel has more subscribers and garners more views than their MyMusic channel, they decided to move it to their main channel because there it would get more attention.
I'm going slightly off track here, but this is my opinion on the situation of creating serial content for your channel:

I think in order to maintain an audience you need to make sure you create similar content or content that your target audience will like, otherwise if they are bombarded with alien content they will unsubscribe and you will loose a viewer. However if you are creating a show, you need to make sure it is regular otherwise it will not serve the purpose that it was created for:

Serial content is to create entertaining, regular and similar content that will attract and keep a viewer subscribed to your channel.

This is something we have to point out. That when creating serial content, you have to make sure it is engaging and that it is something you can create regularly. If you are thinking of making big blockbuster short films every week with a full time job, you may have to rethink your release schedule.

This of course doesn't mean when you create "Serial Content" that it has to be a show, it could just be things of a similar nature. It doesn't even have to be classified as a show, it's just a word I'm using to describe ProfKranc Talks as that is what it is.

You have to realise that if you are going to commit to something, you have to have the time to do it. Not only that, but make sure that it is something that people will like and so far that is what ProfKranc Talks will be.

The point behind creating ProfKranc Talks is that it is an quick and easy way to create regular content, engage with my audience and also allow me another outlet on the channel apart from comedy and horror videos with the odd AMV.

But anyway, this was really just a rant about my opinion behind creating serial content. I think my channel needed something regular in order to keep viewers here apart from my comedy and drama videos.
That and it's easy to create, which gives me more time to create better content for my sketches and so on.

Thanks for reading everyone, I hope this helps. ProfKranc here and I will see you next time :-).

Oh, and make sure that you are creating something other than Let's Plays. Unless you have a really original take on it, with the situation Gaming channels are in at the moment with this recent copyright lockdown I don't think its the best idea. That and there are enough gaming channels out there right now, I would love to see something new like.... an online drama or something.

But again, that is just my opinion, if you are reading this and you have a Youtube channel, please send me a link either in the comments or in the Blog's Contact me page. I would love to see what you guys do! :-)

Oh and there is something I haven't done for a while.......


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