Saturday, 12 October 2013

Sleep deprivation | SLEEPING IN | NEW VIDEO


Okay, so I know this isn't really a funny video but I feel its a bit relevant right now.

At this moment in time I have been quite deprived of sleep. I'm not complaining or anything because I'm actually in a very good position at the moment, however I have ended up taking on so much that I have been having unwanted sleep intervals during the day.
This won't interrupt any schedules or anything, but I thought I should just give a little bit of advice.

Sleep is needed for your body to function, no matter how annoying it is. Honestly, I could do so much if I spent the time I would asleep doing other things but we can't do that. Staying up late often and only gaining a few hours of sleep will not allow your brain to function correctly and will not only affect your work, it will affect your social life as well.
You won't be able to react to things like you usually would.
I won't go on forever, but I'll say even though I have been making great strides recently, falling asleep in the middle of the day isn't what you would call "productive".

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the video. See you next post :-D

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