Monday, 24 June 2013

Finding a Niche

So with two projects now documented on this blog, I have realised something. I don't really have an end goal for my Youtube channel.

Its a bit weird but I have only been uploading things that I have made purely out of enjoyment or for a competition. Now this may be a good thing for my Youtube channel if video making was merely to be a hobby, but I don't really think thats what I need to aim for.

If you look at the big channels (for example some of the more well known ones like Tomska, Smosh and Freddiew), you can see that they all have a sort of pattern with their videos. That they are all aimed at a particular target audience and all have a regular update schedule.
In other words, they have all found their:

Channel's Niche

By Niche I mean they have found their audience and are creating most of their content towards that target audience. Because on Youtube you are broadcasting directly to them rather than to a wide audience like you would on television. 

Lets have a look at the example of the channel freddiew.

Example: Freddiew

Freddiew is a channel on Youtube run by two guys: Freddie Wong and Brandon Latch. They do collaborate with their work mates from channels such as CorridorDigital and Pwnisher, but thats beside the point.

Now I want you to have a look at one of their more successful videos called "Future First Person Shooter"

The one thing that screams from this video is action and video games. And this is what freddiew's audience is mainly here for action videos and plenty of video game parodies. 

Freddiew has found their target audience and essentially their "Niche" with this target audience and are able to keep gaining subscribers because their channel content dosen't vary like a lot of channels do.

Now there are areas where some popular Youtubers would break out of their niches and create popular content, but the majority of what i have seen is that they were already popular in the first place, so they already have an audience interested in what they were going to do. 

An example of this is charlieissocoollike

Breaking out of the Niche: Charlieissocoollike

Charlieissocoollike is a british vlogger on Youtube. A majority of his videos consist of him talking about things that interest him, things he has been doing and challenges that have been sent to him. 
However Charlie McDonnel (the vloggers real name) recently came out of that area with the release of a short film called "The Tea Chronicles".
I won't put the full film here but I will put the trailer: 

In any case, we see here that Charlieissocoollike created quite a good short film up on his channel and because he already had a large audience, quite a few people watched the film. This kinda relates to TV as you know you will have the audience, but the point I'm making here is that the reason that some people breaking out of or having different niches for one channel is the most affective if you already have an audience.

What is My Niche?

I'll be honest here,
 I don't know.

 If I wanted to find a niche and stick with it, it would mean I would have to stick with one type or genre of video.
I guess if I wanted to get the most enjoyment out of it, I would stick with the horror and drama genre.
However this dosen't mean that I'm going to stick with those genre of videos.
I'll say that the purpose of my Youtube channel at the moment is a hobby, or at least thats the level that it is at. As I do want to become more serious about video making in the future by creating short films and such, I think I will stay with small projects for the time being.
I don't know about whether or not I have found my audience yet, but all I know is that I have to keep making videos not just for my enjoyment, but for my future.

Now that this little useless point is over with....


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